Zion Football League

November 13, 2011

Cowboys Capture Harvest Bowl IX!

(Hurricane, Utah) Stunning the experts and throwing a monkey wrench into the 2011 ZFL standings, Beau's Cowboys won three tough tourney games then found Nate's Lost Boyz 45-29 in the title tilt to capture Harvest Bowl IX, held at scenic Spendlove Place on November 6th.

Kathie and Doug provided ZFL teams and fans with warm and healthy vegetable chili and breadsticks and once again opened their friendly home to kick-off the holiday season.

Beau's ride to ZFL glory stopped Tim's Hurricane Heat and Mike's Posse from capturing outright the claim as the ZFL's best tournament team in 2011. That will be decided next month at Holiday Bowl XX in St. George on Sunday December 18th.

Harvest Bowl Notes
Harvest Bowl IX was the largest ZFL tournament held in 2011 thus far…The Cowboys 4th quarter 83 yard TD interception return was a "gamebreaker" in the championship game against Nate's Lost Boyz…A safety on a Blue Devil punt return lifted the Lost Boyz to a 16-0 shut out victory in semi-final action…The Cowboys scored on a 7 yard TD Double Reverse in overtime to beat the Heat 48-45 in the quarter-finals…Tony's Stoners overcame a 30-10 deficit and escaped the Posse 51-44…The Stoners also scored two touchdowns in the final eight plays to oust Doug's Parowan 38-24 in a opening round tussle…13 touchdowns were scored in Preston's Blue Devils 49-42 victory over Tony Natalie's Air Nat…Also in the opening round, Mike's Posse threw a 51 yard TD strike on the last play of the game to edge Katie's Gutter Sluts 20-14…


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