Zion Football League

June 05, 2011

Tim's Hosers Win First CFL Crown, Shut Down Mike's Stallions 36-27 in Molson Cup X Championship Game!

(Zion National Park, Utah)Returning to the scene of his recent Zion Bowl glory, Tim Spendlove took his dice rolling skills north of the ZFL border and captured his first Canadian armchair football title when his Hosers stumped Mike's Stallions by the score of 36-27 in Molson Cup X. Not only did the Hosers outscore all their CFL tourney opponents, they held the mighty Stallion offense to a single major in the second half of the championship game.

Since losing 20-17 in overtime to Beau's ZFL All Stars in January's Birthday Bowl XXIV coach Tim has gone undefeated in ZFL/CFL tourney play. Tim missed the Southern Utah Championship at Dixie Downs in February but has since then won two armchair tournaments inside Zion National Park, including the prestigious Zion Bowl XXVII in April.

Mike's green chili and spanish rice set the stage for a fun day of good food, great friends, and exciting Canadian armchair football action beneath the cliffs of Zion.

Molson Cup Notes
The Hosers scored 17 points on three fourth quarter drives to set up a 43-37 overtime semi-final win over Doug's Thunder…Mike's Stallions blew a 31-1 halftime lead before withstanding a furious Tweaker comeback in a thrilling 48-45 semi-final win…Helen's Frogs returned a kick-off 108 yards for a TD in a 43-36 loss to the Hosers in quarter- final action…Preston's Canadian Pimp Wagon became the first team in Molson Cup history to score 2 points on an Intentional Safety that was given up by the Stallions in a wild 45-38 quarter-final loss…Doug's Thunder overcame a 17-0 first quarter deficit and rallied to beat Tony Natalie's Anderson Boys 38-30 in overtime in the opening round...


At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Jim Speros said...

Nice win Hosers...The Stallions will be back!

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