Zion Football League

January 18, 2011

Tim's Heat Seek to Burn Beau's Zion Football League All Stars in Birthday Bowl XXXIV!

(Hurricane, Utah) The Zion Football League is proud to announce that historic Birthday Bowl XXXIV will take place at the league's favorite location, Hurricane's warm and friendly Spendlove Place, on January 30th, 2011.
Pre-game activities and fun will kick-off at 11 pm, with the Birthday Bowl game kicking-off at high noon.

Through the years the Birthday Bowl has showcased the best players and teams from the rich history of the Zion Football League. That tradition of excellence will be continued in this year's Birthday Bowl as Tim's powerful Hurricane Heat battle the mighty 2011 Zion Football League All Stars in Birthday Bowl XXXIV. The ZFL All Stars will be coached by Cowboy Coach Beau, who led his Cowboys to a most excellent 2010 ZFL season.


At 6:17 PM, Anonymous ZFL observer said...

OUTSTANDING! What an honor for the Cowboys and the Heat. This tourney has all the makings of a CLASSIC showdown in keeping with the greatest traditions of the BIRTHDAY BOWL!

At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Rockville Rag said...

Up here in the canyons word is that the Posse's new dice might just reck rightius havoic with the Heat defense.

Are there any Heat fans out there who wanna post a comment, or two, on why they think that there team might even have a chance?

Or are ya chicken?!?!?

At 6:56 PM, Anonymous ZFL Comissioner said...

I talked to Heat Coach Tim the other day and asked him what the point spread was for Sunday's Birthday Bowl. He replied confidently that his heat should romp over the Zion Football League All Stars by "at least 27 points". He also mentioned that he has a good feeling about this game.
Looks like All Star Coach Beau has his work cut out for him...

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