Zion Football League

December 28, 2010

Zion Football League Kicks Off 2011 Season with CFL Zion Cup II on January 2nd!

(Zion National Park, Utah) When Zion Cup II takes place in Zion Park on January 2nd all eyes will be on Mike's Stallions, who went winless in 2010 CFL tournaments. Going into 2010 the Stallions were two-timin' Molson Cup Champions before getting bounced in back to back CFL tourneys. Preston's Canadian Pimp Wagon won last year's Zion Cup when they blitzed Shawn's Assassins 59-42 in the championship game. Tony's Toronto Tweakers are the defending Molson Cup Champs and should also be considered a CFL contender.

Mike will serve a feast of spaghetti and meatballs. Doug is bringing french bread and a ton of parmesan cheese. Shawn and Sharon are making a green salad and Helen is bringing her famous stuffed jalapenos. Activities and pre-game fun kicks off at 11:00 am.


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