Zion Football League

February 07, 2011

Coach Beau leads ZFL All Stars to historic 20-17 overtime victory over the Hurricane Heat in Birthday Bowl XXXIV!

(Hurricane, Utah) Although they led 17-0 in the middle of the third quarter, the ZFL All Stars had to withstand a furious Heat comeback and then an historic overtime session to finally outlast Coach Tim Spendlove 20-17 in Birthday Bowl XXXIV, held in the great outdoors at Spendlove Place on January 30th.

Helen and Mike got the ZFL All Stars off to a hot start as they marched for scores against the Heat on their first two possessions, grabbing a quick 10-0 first quarter lead. As the temperatures began to drop, both teams cooled off as Tony's two yard TD inside run gave the ZFL All Stars a 17-0 lead in the middle of the third quarter. The Heat then rose up and scored a field goal and two quick touchdowns to tie the Birthday Bowl up at 17-17 at the end of three periods. As the air temperatures continued to fall both teams struggled to move the ball. The Heat then threw three picks in the fourth quarter to end their hopes of victory in regulation time.

The first-ever Birthday Bowl overtime period saw Tim's Heat throw an interception into the endzone on their first play from scrimmage, a pass that was snagged by Preston of the Blue Devils. Donning the quarterback's helmet, Preston then led the ZFL All Stars quickly down the field on their overtime possession, driving to the Heat four yard line. After a quick sideline huddle and team vote, the ZFL All Stars elected to kick the field goal (which Preston booted through), ending the longest Birthday Bowl ever played, and giving Coach Beau Fisher's Zion Football League All Stars an exciting and historic 20-17 victory.

Birthday Bowl Notes
Doug and Kathy created another great ZFL experience at Spendlove Place with great food and fun times... Beau Fisher was named the ZFL's 2010 Most Valuable Player at halftime...Shawn Spendlove was named the ZFL's 2010 Scorekeeper of the Year...The Heat's amazing 81 yard touchdown pass in the third quarter was the fourth longest in Birthday Bowl history...The 2011 Zion Football League All Stars are the sixth team to kick two field goals in a Birthday Bowl game, and the first to score in overtime...Preston has led two All Star teams to Birthday Bowl wins...


At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Kolob Kid said...

Ya know, Coach Beau may look dumb, but that's just a disguise...He's actually a mastermind in the ways of ZFL Football. Who else could have tamed that rag-tag, drunken, out of shape, and unfocused outfit of ZFL so-called "all stars" and actually guide them to a win over the heavily favored Hurricane Heat?

Congratulations and much respect to the Zion Football League All Stars and their coach!

Still, I'll bet that we haven't heard the last from the Hurricane Heat =( ....

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Coach Landry said...

Fans around the world can celebrate this victory! It was the CULMINATION of a season of hard work, practice, dedication and a little bit of luck for good measure. Congrats to the ZFL ALL STARS and their winning coach! Sincerely. T. Landry. P.S. Knowing Coach Fisher all these years, I can tell you this... There is a slim chance of him repeating such a magnificent season in 2011. HOWEVER, I can gaurantee ya'll in the ZFL this, THE BOYS ARE FOR REAL. T.L.

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