Zion Football League

April 03, 2011

Mike's Southern Utah Champion Posse Seek to Arrest Zion Bowl XXVII inside Zion National Park!

(Zion National Park, Utah) The Zion Football League is proud to announce that the twenty-seventh annual Zion Bowl will take place on Sunday April 10th at Mike's hidden and historic cabin in Zion National Park. Mike will provide a surprise pizza buffet for the ravenous masses. Pre-game activities kick-off promptly at 10:00 a.m. The Zion Bowl is the oldest Zion Football League Tournament held annually in Southern Utah. The first ever Zion Bowl took place in the basement apartment of Mike Large in what is now the Zion Pizza Noodle in downtown Springdale on December 29, 1984. Sue Large's Angels flew past Randy Mount's Vikings 38-14 for the first Zion Bowl Crown. Since then the Zion Bowl tournament has proudly showcased the best players, teams, and fans from all over Southern Utah and beyond.

Zion Bowl Notes
Tony's Stoners outcoached John's Nighthawks 24-14 in last year's Zion Bowl XXVI Championship Game…In 2009's Zion Bowl title tilt, Katie's Gutter Sluts beat Doug's Parowan 46-43 to capture the canyon crown…Justin's Kaibab Mountain Cows edged Mike's Posse 24-17 for 2008's Zion Bowl XXIV Crown held at Spendlove Place…On April 8th, 2007 Tim's Hurricane Heat melted down Doug's Rams 45-31…Jim's Gold Miners detoxed Tony's Stoners 35-32 in the title tilt of 2006's Zion Bowl XXII…The ZFL extends Happy Birthday wishes to ZFL Hall of Famer Kirk Gifford, coach of the Ravens…


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Blue Devils said...

The best of luck to all ZFL head coaches. I will not be making an appearance but I'll put my lucky dollar on...ummm.... The STONERS!!! GET'EM TONY!

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous HurrikinBuzz said...

The Stonerzz?!?

You must be stoned!

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