Zion Football League

May 15, 2011

Canadian Football Returns to Zion National Park as Molson Cup X Celebrates CFL Armchair Action!

(Zion National Park, Utah) The Zion Football League is proud to announce that the tenth annual Molson Cup will take place on Sunday May 22 at Mike's hidden cabin in Zion National Park. Mike will provide a mexican food buffet featuring his famous green chili and spanish rice for the ravenous masses. Pre-game activities and tailgating kick-off promptly at 10:30 a.m.

Molson Cup X marks twelve years of Canadian armchair football in the Zion Football League. The first Canadian Rules ZFL tournament - CFL Shootout I - took place on May 12, 2000. The first Molson Cup tournament was captured by Mike's super Stampeders in 2001 when they blitzed Tom's Spirit Bears 46-14 in the championship game.

The Zion Football League proudly welcomes all CFL teams, players, and fans to Zion National Park to celebrate the Molson Cup!

Molson Cup Notes
Coaches Mike and Tony have each won three CFL tournaments, the best in the ZFL history...Tony's Toronto Tweakers won last year's Molson Cup with a 37-22 romp over Barb's Chippewa in the title tilt…Mike's Stallions won back-to-back Molson Cup Crowns in 2008 and 2009…Doug's awesome Thunder captured 2007's Molson Cup VI, climaxed with a 57-46 dryhumping of Tony's Tweakers…Coach Helen's Frogs (and Sacagawea) CFL teams have never won a CFL tournament game…


At 10:31 PM, Anonymous Stallion Stud said...

Stallions Yeah!

Boom Boom Bam!

Stallions Yeah!

Gonna take your land!

Stallions Yeah!

We're gonna score!

Stallions Yeah!

And we're gonna score some more!

(And ain't nothing you can do!)

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Rockville Runt said...

Helen's Sacagawea and Frogs are gonna win a CFL tourney game....if not much more!

At 7:38 PM, Anonymous tHunDerBitch said...

The Stallions scare me...

At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Hurrikin Punk said...

De Thunder Boltz!

At 6:35 PM, Anonymous canadian mountie eh said...

I see a pimp wagon rolling through this tournament

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