Zion Football League

November 30, 2011

ZFL Hosts Televised Grey Cup Festivus in Zion Park!

(Zion National Park, Utah)
As bright sunshine warmed scenic Oak Creek Canyon on November 27th, a line up of ZFL coaches gathered to celebrate the great game of Canadian Football, watching a live satellite feed of the 99th Grey Cup from Vancouver, British Columbia. ZFL coaches Tony (Tweakers), David (Tundra), Mike (Stallions), and Doug (Thunder) partied and enjoyed great meatballs for over 4 hours while watching the British Columbia Lions leap past the Winnipeg Blue Bombers by the score of 34-23.

Kathy won the Grey Cup "office pool" taking home a cool fifty dollars (US). The British Columbia Lions began the CFL season at 0-5, yet won 12 out of their next 13 games to capture Canada's most prestigious sports event.

The Zion Football League also announced that Zion Cup III, the league's annual Canadian Rules winter tournament, will be held at Mike's cabin in Zion National Park on Saturday January 7th rain or shine.


At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Manitoba Monster said...

We wuz robbed! The BC Lions are a bunch of (not so) pretty boys.

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