Zion Football League

November 10, 2012

Beau Wins His Fourth ZFL Crown as Cowboys Tame Travis' Tigers 38-24 in Harvest Bowl X

(Hurricane, Utah)_Travis' Tigers roamed through the Harvest Bowl tournament
in grand style devouring three ZFL teams enroute to the championship game,
held on November 4th. The hot Tigers then fell victim to Beau and his Cowboy
doomsday defense, which ran back two Tiger interceptions for touchdowns
enroute to an impressive 38-24 victory. The Harvest Bowl Crown gives Beau
his fourth ZFL title. Kathy and Doug provided a classic Thanksgiving feast
which featured turkey and all the trimmings. Always a fan favorite, Harvest Bowl X was the largest ZFLtournament held this year, an impressive fifteen teams.

Harvest Bowl Notes

The Cowboys committed zero turnovers in the title tilt…Travis' tough Tigers held Tony's Stoners to a single field goal in their 14-3 semi-final win…Beau's cool Cowboys kicked a 30 yard Field Goal to cool Tim's Heat 45-42 in a classic triple overtime semi-final contest…The Cowboy defense recovered two blocked two punts and a fumble for touchdowns to corral Jim's Gold Miners 34-17 in quarter-final action…Mike's Posse threw two touchdown passes in the fourth quarter to upset Shawn's league-leading Assassins 38-24 in the opening round…Vel's Rusty Wagons won in their first ever ZFL tourney game, a 28-17 romp over Nate's Lost Boyz in first round action…Another ZFL expansion team, Tank's Heroes, rushed for touchdowns on double reverses of 84, 56 and 49 yards in a 33-35 loss to Tyler's Doritos…Father and son Gary's Rebels and Tyler's Doritos made their first ZFL 2012 tournament appearance...


At 10:52 AM, Blogger نقل اثاث said...

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At 2:13 PM, Blogger نقل اثاث said...

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