Hot Hurricane Awaits Patriot Bowl VI!
For the sixth straight year the Spendlove Family will open up their home to the unruly fans and teams of the ZFL to celebrate the birthday of the United States of America. The world famous Spendlove Grill will provide a festivis of hot dogs and burgers to feed the hungry masses. ZFL Fans are asked to bring deserts, salads, and their other great treats to party on, and help celebrate the 234th birthday of our great nation. Kick off is at 10 am.
Patriot Bowl Notes
Shawn's Assassins won last year's Patriot Bowl with an thrilling 35-28 overtime shoot-out victory over John Denney's Nighthawks in the title contest…2009's Patriot Bowl was the largest Patriot Tourney ever held - 14 teams…Doug's Parowan Rams slipped past Mike's Posse 17-14 in 2008's Patriot Bowl IV Championship Game…Tim Spendlove's Hurricane Heat won one of the most exciting games in Patriot Bowl history with a 24-22 victory over Parowan in 2007's Patriot Bowl III… Tony Natalie's Air Nat, in a rare ZFL appearance, edged Helen's Mynx 49-35 in 2006's Patriot Bowl II championship contest...Mike's Posse own the best win-loss in Patriot Bowl history with a 8-4 record…The Posse won the first Patriot Bowl in 2005 with a 31-28 victory over Tony Iverson's Stoners…
People of South Utah,
The cinder cone pictured on your ZFL website appears to
be "venting", that is to say spewing smoke and molten lava.
Known as Spendlove Knoll, this volcano is believed to be 100,000 years old. Even at that age, this volcano represents a direct line to the the earth's core and should be viewed with concern.
If in fact this is a true venting event, I think I would show up at the Patriot Bowl in a lava proof suit.
Is anybody reading this site's postings? Do you care?
I'm tellin' ya, that f*cking cider cone is freaking me out!
Hello! That is NOT Spendlove Knoll. Spendlove Knoll is an insignificant, little known bump on the way up to Kolob Res. I don't think it's even on the map. Those Spendloves are always trying to appear a little bigger and badder than they really are. Sincerely, Padre Dominguez and Escalante
My Bad. You are correct D&E, that is actually Sullivan Knoll that looms like a creepy vulture over the road blocks and detours in the city of Hurricane.
I'm tellin' ya that freakin' hot volcano has the potential to make the Patriot Bowl a really hot time!
D&E, I love your geologic description of Spendlove Knoll as a "a little known bump". I'd like to use that term in my next geology book.
NEWSFLASH! Cowboy Head Coach Fisher has just returned from from a week vacation and family reunion in Texas. API is reporting that he was spotted at the Holy of Holies last Sat. morning. (COWBOY STADIUM)It is believed he was summoned to a secret meeting with Dallas Ring of Honor members involving plans for his future domination In the ZFL. The magnitude of such an event can't be underestimated, even by veteran ZFL coaches. Coach Fisher had only 1 comment on an ESPN interview yesterday. "The Boys will be ready for Patriot Bowl VI" Tom Brokaw NBC News
Red, White, and Blue Devils... How could I be any more Patriotic?
Holy Mother of God! A pilgrimage to the Holy Land AND a secret meeting, lord help us.
Roses are red, violets are blue. The Cowboys are ready. I hope you are too.
sounds like the boyz are blitz...
Prediction... Heat with the overall victory, Posse 2nd, and Blue Devils over the Nighthawks in the 3rd place game
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