Zion Football League

December 07, 2011

Third Place Games Abound as Zion Football League Teams Seek Higher Ground!

(Zion National Park, Utah)_As the 2011 Zion Football League season climaxes to a thundering finish, armchair football teams throughout southern Utah are scrambling to move up in the final ZFL standings. Unfinished business was the theme of the weekend of as five ZFL Tournament Third Place games were decided.

On December 4th, Zion National Park was invaded by the ZFL masses who enjoyed watching Jim's 27-17 Gold Miner Riffian Invitational Third Place win over Doug's Parowan that highlighted a hot dog afternoon. Preston's Blue Devils ripped Tony's Stoners 56-10, capturing Harvest Bowl IX Third Place honors. In the thrilling Canadian Football League nightcap Tony's Toronto Tweakers awoke to toss seven touchdown strikes to dump Doug's Thunder 54-40 and capture the 2011 Molson Cup Third Place game.

On December 2nd Tim's Hurricane Heat burnt Beau's Cowboys 41-24 in St. George to postion themselves for a shot as the Zion Football League's best 2011 tournament team. Only the blazing hot Heat can
surpass Mike's hard riding Posse as the ZFL's best tourney team in 2011 and this third place win could be the tiebreaker that gives the Heat 2011 ZFL glory.

Preston’s Blue Devils kicked off the evening in fine fashion as they committed no turnovers while capturing the Southern Utah Championship XVIII Third Place Game with an exciting 31-24 victory over the tough Cowboys. The win solidifies the Blue Devil's grip on fifth place in the ZFL standings going into the league's annual holiday festivus.


At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Blue Devils said...

I thank you once again for opening your home. Can't wait to see everyone for the Holiday Bowl!

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