Zion Football League

December 28, 2011

Donations Sought To Honor Zion Football League Hall of Famer Kirk Gifford!

(Springdale, Utah)_Even though Kirk Gifford hasn't been seen in Dillyhollar in over 16 years his memory lives on. Rockville resident Shirley Ballard recently purchased a $800.00 headstone for Kirk and his family in the scenic Springdale cemetery. Located under the massive and protective cliffs of Zion National Park, Kirk's final resting place has been without a permanent stone marker for years.

Friends of the Gifford family are asked to open up their hearts and contribute a small amount to this worthy cause. Donations may be made to Shirley at the Springdale Chevron. Please check with ZFL Commissioner Mike for contact information.

Kirk's Ravens flew high over the Zion Football League in the 1980's and 90's. His Ravens are still perched in a lofty fourth place of the all-time tournament standings with ten ZFL championships. The Ravens won the first ever (and only one of two) Utah State Championship in Junction, Utah, held on September 12, 1987 with a 27-20 championship win over Tom's Steelers. Kirk's big birds won an impressive 10 Zion Football League championships in an all-to-short career that soared over the Zion Football League from 1985 to 1995.

Kirk was inducted into the Zion Football League Hall of Fame in 1996.


At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Springdale Fans said...

We will always love you Kirk!

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